Thursday, 24 July 2014

Flushed .....

So the sewerage dramas ended on a slightly positive note.

The sewer peg out was a big hit of $800, but I guess was inevitable. I had called about 10-12 places including the original firm that laid the pipes and received varying responses with a few telling me that the works as constructed plans would be sufficient, and others telling me it was needed. I probably could have had the peg out done myself and saved a few hundred dollars, but I didn't want to delay the process and subsequently find out that what I had paid for wasn't valid.

Subsequently when I looked at the works as constructed plans I realised it did indeed show the depths. The sewer is 2.7m deep (which is exactly what the peg-out said), which meant we were slightly within the zone of influence.

On the positive side Provincial delivered me some good news and told me the additional engineering fees were not required and the waterboard stamped the plans. This was some good news as the $1,350 in engineering fees would have taken a largish chunk out of the internal colors budget.

I'm pretty happy with the outcome, but hopefully a spanner hasn't been thrown into the works down the line. The tender allows for a sewer connection of 2m deep, with the depth being 2.7m I am hoping there is no additional charge, especially considering the manhole cover is on the corner of the lot, which would mean a pipe does go all the way down.

I can't wait for the uncertainty of site costs to be over and done with. Now I understand the benefits of having completely fixed site costs as provided by some other builders.

Time will tell .......

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